#VisitConfridesLabdet Beauty on high

Confrides at 785 meters above sea level, it is a town in the Marina Baixa and shares the Town Hall with its hamlet, L’Abdet, located at 657 meters. They are 3.5 km apart. Between both populations, according to INE 2019, they total 187 inhabitants.

Photography: David Revenga.

In the gastronomy of Confrides and L’Abdet, shared with the rest of the towns of the Guadalest valley, it stands out: the olleta de blat, the rice with pencas, the soup with the ball, the rabbit (with garlic or tomato) or the ” vegetables “minchos”. Hunting food (wild boar for example) is also typical, as well as a great variety of fruit and vegetables obtained from the fields (cherries, medlars, oranges, olives, almonds …).
Confrides originates from a Muslim farmhouse called Aljofra, whose inhabitants moved to Confrides after an epidemic that decimated the neighborhood. There is no remnant of this town. After its conquest in 1264, Jaime I de Aragón donated the villa to Vidal de Sarriá. After two generations, it was ceded to the Infante D. Pedro, and later the Cardona and Ariza families ruled the jurisdiction of the town. During the second half of the fourteenth century and due to the war with Castile, Confrides was conquered by the Castilian troops and kept in their possession until 1364 when Pedro IV of Aragon recovered it. At the beginning of the 16th century, and as a consequence of the war of the Germanies, its Muslim population (between 120-160 inhabitants) was forced to convert to Christianity. The Mudejars of Confrides reluctantly accepted his forced conversion, and in 1526 they rebelled against the decision of the Junta. A few years before the expulsion of the Moors (1609), Confrides had about 240 inhabitants. In 1900, the town had 744 inhabitants, reaching its maximum in 1940 with 860 inhabitants.
L’Abdet, of Arab origin. In 1264, King Jaime I of Aragon handed it over to Vidal de Sarriá, who in 1271 was succeeded by his son, Bernardo de Sarriá, who in 1335 gave it to the infant Pere. Later, the houses of Cardona and Ariza would have the dominion. In fact, in 1502, a title of possession appears given to Alonso de Cardona in which “Alafdet” appears, possibly the name in Arabic without evolving. Soon after, in 1526, the Muslims revolted against the conversion order sent by Carlos I of Spain. With permanent fights against Castilla, in 1609 they took up arms again, joining the Moorish refugees in the mountains of the Vall de Laguart until they were definitively expelled that same year, leaving the only twelve houses that were left behind. Subsequently, it was repopulated, and in the 18th century it already had twenty-five houses, reaching Confrides / L’Abdet 822 inhabitants.
“Les Xapes” de Confrides are a game of chance that takes place on Holy Thursday night. Tradition has it that this is the only day in which, secularly, it is allowed to bet. Players bet money on the possibility of heads or tails, two heads or two tails, as a result of tossing two coins into the air. The coins that are played with are two fat bitches (10 cent coin of Alfonso XII from 1878) on whose reverse side, usually painted, a cross or cross has been drawn.
The L’Abdet “TRINQUET”, located next to the Plaza de San Vicente Ferrer, dates from 1772, and is one of the oldest in the Valencian Community and the jewel of the town. In 2006 a restoration was carried out, adding changing rooms behind the court and respecting the original structure.
The ‘pilota grossa’ is the Valencian ball modality practiced in Abdet, and the balls, larger than a tennis ball, are sewn by hand with a rag heart and goatskin. The tradition of sewing them by hand is preserved among players and passed from generation to generation so that it is not lost.

The weekend closest to June 13, Confrides celebrates the youth festival in honor of San Antonio de Padua. The patron saint festivities are held on the penultimate Sunday of August in honor of San José and the Virgen de los Dolores. During the day there are parades, religious celebrations, popular meals in the square, cultural events, a parade of costumes, entrances of Moors and Christians, and in the evenings Verbena. The Christmas fair shows the crafts and gastronomy of Confrides: homemade sweets, indigenous cuisine, nougats, homemade jams and vinegars, organic products, Christmas gifts … It was held for the first time in 2013, and is held on the bridge of Immaculate.

Two “fiestas” are held in L’Abdet every year. The last week of Easter, in honor of San Vicente Ferrer, is the feast of young people and the central act is the bonfire on Sunday at 12 at night. In summer, the third weekend of August, are the festivities in honor of the Virgen de las Dolores. This time the organizers are the married couples of the population.


Aljofra Castle. Located in the Foia de Sales, in the so-called ‘Penya del Castellet’ or ‘Cúa de bacallar’, it is the highest castle in the province of Alicante: 1,100 meters of altitude. It dominates the entire Guadalest valley and from it there are spectacular views to the sea. Although it is in ruins, several elements of the castle can still be seen, such as two towers –one circular and the other square–, the crenellated wall and the cistern.

This Arab fortress dates from the 13th century. In a document from 1259, a lease is made in favor of Vidal de Sarriá for two years, of the real revenues of Confrides and his terms. In 1264 express mention is made of the castle of Confrides on the occasion of an order to this same personage so that he had 500 men in the castle, whose salary would be received on its revenues. Vidal de Sarriá later handed the castle over to Andrés de Puigvert.

Confrides town center, picturesque, with narrow streets, with a large walnut tree in the square, opposite the Town Hall, as well as the church of San José.

L’Abdet town center, with its narrow streets, and the church of San Vicente Ferrer.

The L’Abdet Laundry. Just 200 meters from the town center, it was used by neighbors to wash clothes. Around 2006 it was restored due to its poor state of conservation.

The “creueta del penyó”. Rock that crowns L’Abdet; From its top, where there is a large cross, you can see an excellent panoramic view of the surroundings. Halfway up the climb there is a cave.

Fountains: the Forata fountain, the highest in the province, at an altitude of around 1,400 meters, and the Toni fountain on the outskirts of the town. Snow pits: farmhouse de la Torreta and Forata. Micro reserves of fl ora: Camarell (19.39 ha) and Coll del Ventisquer (7.34 ha). There are also many sources of crystalline and fresh water: Mela, Llorca …

Photography: David Revenga.

Confrides / L’Abdet is a very popular location for practicing various adventure sports such as canyoning, climbing or hiking.
Recreation area of ​​the Font de l’Arbre (about 1200 meters high). The site is located in the heart of the Sierra de Aitana, and is part of the PR-CV20 and PR-CV21 routes. It consists of picnic tables under a pleasant shade of the poplars and the fountain.

Ravines The Mela ravine and the Sord ravine are the most frequented, although there are two more: Llop and Fanalic ravines. In addition, the Fanalic site offers, in periods of rain, a spectacular waterfall from the river that falls majestically through the ravine.

Climbing. The orography favors the practice of climbing sports in different parts of the municipality.

Caves and chasms. Parakeets (surface of more than 1,000 square meters, with narrow steps and large galleries); and Carrascal among others. It also has several caves and chasms explored and frequented by fans; the best known is the La Plana chasm.

Trekking. The town offers many hiking trails of varying difficulty. The Mela circular, routes to Beniardà or Confrides (Serrella and Pla de la Casa …).